Thursday, December 22, 2011

Waktu: Detik dan Detak

Suatu hari di masa lalu, aku dan kau bercengkrama. Kau bertanya padaku, "Menurutmu, apa itu waktu?" Aku terdiam beberapa lama dalam tanda tanya. Kau pun juga.


Kemudian tempo hari, kau (lagi-lagi) mengesankanku. Katamu, waktu berbicara bukan tentang lamanya jam berdetik, tapi tentang seberapa lama jantungmu sanggup berdetak.


Sejak saat itu aku tahu, kau adalah orang yang tidak akan pernah membiarkan jantungmu berdetak sia-sia, karena bagimu waktu adalah detak jantungmu. Kau rela lakukan apapun bahkan ketika jam dinding telah berkali-kali meyakinkanmu bahwa hari telah larut.


Tahukah kau? Kau membuatku juga mengabaikan jam dinding malam ini, meski sebenarnya aku pun tak ingin. Entah kenapa. Yang jelas, sejak kudengar kabar kau sedang tidak baik-baik saja, mataku mendadak bandel, tidak juga segera ingin beranjak tidur.

Colomadu,  22 Desemer 2011
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Menggalaukan Matahari

Hujan bernyanyi di luar sana. Seperti sebuah lagu sendu yang iramanya senada dengan senandung yang mengalun malu-malu di hatimu. Perlahan air itu jatuh memecah sunyi. Hanya dalam sepersekian detik, waktu menjadi riuh, dan akhirnya menjadi gaduh.

Saat itu aku sedang bersama sepi sebelum akhirnya dia terusir riuh. Aku sedang menikmati sore setelah lelah berkutat pada baju-baju setrikaan tiga hari yang sepertinya sedang berlomba dengan gedung-gedung kota untuk menjadi yang lebih tinggi.

Tiba-tiba sebuah sms masuk, dari kawan lama.
"Hati-hati hujan! Menurut ilmu pengetahuan modern, hujan terbukti dapat memicu kegalauan. Apakah Anda galau?"

Aku tertawa. Bagaimana dia bisa tahu? Di sini aku sedang berada di balik jendela. Menunggu munculnya kembali matahari yang sekarang tertutup awan abu-abu. Mungkin kau bertanya matahari yang mana. Boleh ku jawab? Matahari yang sama, Mentari Pelupuk Senja.

13 Desember 2011
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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why Indonesian High School Students are Stressed Out

No one can deny that studying becomes an important thing to do. It is not an activity that can be chosen, but it becomes a compulsory for all students arround the world. In this globalization era, especially in Indonesia, a tight competition to get a good school, good university and decent job makes Indonesian students have to make a hard effort if they really want to get it. After graduating from high school, the competition is tighter than before. As a result, Indonesian high school students are demanded to study harder and harder because they have to be ready to face the tight competition in their future. Some of them do not consider it as a burden, but some others feel so stressed out. I believe that stress faced by Indonesian high school students is caused by some reasons.

First, many Indonesian high school students feel stressed out because of the enormous demands from surroundings. For example, competition with other students in the same school to take a program such as science and social class that they prefer makes the students have to study hard. After entering the program that they prefer, they still have to face a tight competition to be accepted in a good university. It also needs a hard effort. Some parents also make a high score target for their children because they think that high score can absolutely make their children successful in the future. They think that the high score will help their children to get a good university after graduating from high school. To help the students to get a good university, some teachers also give many assignments and encourage the students to get a good result. It can be a burden for students because they have too many things to think so that they become stressed out.

Second, stress faced by Indonesian high school students is caused by the tight schedule that the students have. Students have to go to school early and go home late because of some school activities, such as additional lessons and extracurricular activities. After school, some students also have to join a course. They almost go home late everyday. After having a course, even though they have been tired, they have to prepare for the next day school activities, such as homeworks, examinations, presentations, and etc. Because of that tight schedule, students find a difficulty to manage their time wisely. Some of them are getting sick and frustated easily.

Third, the students are also stressed out because of their own pshycological condition. As we know, life is more complex than books, theories, and good scores. Some students also have problem that must be solved. Maybe they have problem with their family, friends, teachers or others. Sometimes, the students are afraid with their teacher. This condition is absolutely bad because it can make them difficult to digest what the lesson. It is frustating for them because they have to understand the materials to get a good score but they can’t digest the materials. As a result, they don’t have any confidence and feel desperate to learn.

In conclusion, tight schedule, demands for high score from teacher and parents, and student’s phsycologycal condition can be such burden for some Indonesian high school students. It causes the students get difficulties in studying. Those difficulties can make them feel desperate and then being stressed out.

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